
The Grand Opening

December 10th saw the official launch of a modern flue gas desulphurization and dedusting system at EC Skierniewice. The formal ribbon-cutting ceremony was performed by the Management Board of Thermal Energy Skierniewice, the Mayor of Skierniewice and the President of INSTAL-FILTER SA, Mirosław Litke.

The investment will help to achieve the environmental protection objectives imposed by the EU LCP Directive. The installation designed and built by INSTAL-FILTER SA is one of the first investments of this kind in Poland. Owing to it, the residents will gain cleaner air, and the Skierniewice heating plant will maintain an appropriate level of energy security in the city. 

The installation will ensure the reduction of SOx emissions in the flue gas below 200 mg/Nm³. Other acid compounds and heavy metals will also be reduced. The installation capacity is over 300 thousand m3/h. The desulphurization and removal of dust particles from flue gases in the supplied installation is carried out using the “semi-dry” FGD process with the aid of a fluidized-bed reactor and vertical bag filters.

We would like to congratulate the entire design and production team, as well as the assembly crew. Great job!

We are also grateful for the confidence that the investors placed in us and wish them satisfaction with the operation of the facility.


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